the roastery

Our micro-roastery, based in the Saket neighborhood of New Delhi, is a dedicated space to produce high-quality coffee that is ethically and sustainably sourced. We have scaled up from a small 2 kilo roaster to a 12 kilo Diedrich roaster, enabling us to cater to the growing demand for specialty coffee.We take great care in ensuring that the green beans we use are of the highest quality. They are stored in a temperature-controlled and humidity-monitored room to maintain their freshness, and are sorted again for quality to remove any defects before roasting. This attention to detail ensures that the coffee we roast and serve is of the highest standard.

Our coffee is roasted on the Diedrich Gas Roaster, which is known for its precision and consistency. We use Cropster for collecting profile data so that every batch is perfect. This tool helps us to monitor and control the roasting process, enabling us to roast each batch to its optimal level. Our team of skilled roasters meticulously monitor the roasting process, making adjustments as necessary to ensure that each batch is roasted to perfection.

At our roastery, every batch is roasted to order, ensuring that our customers receive the freshest coffee possible. We also take great pride in our quality control process. Every batch is cupped for quality before shipping, and we encourage our customers to visit our roastery to explore how transparency and quality are at the core of our work process.

We are committed to building a sustainable and ethical coffee industry. That's why we take the time to source coffee beans directly from farmers who use sustainable farming practices. We work closely with our suppliers to ensure that the farmers are paid a fair price for their coffee beans. This way, we can ensure that our customers are not only getting a great-tasting cup of coffee, but are also supporting a more sustainable and equitable coffee industry.